COMMA 2022 will host the first workshop on Argumentation and Machine Learning (ArgML), with the aim of providing researchers and practitioners with a dedicated forum for the discussion of new ideas and research results at the intersection of these two fields. The workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to make meaningful connections and develop their understanding of the challenges involved in developing innovative AI solutions that combine methods from ML and argumentation.
A key contribution of this workshop will involve the hosting of specific panels dedicated to the discussion of the benefits of combining argumentation and ML, under the topics:
Panel 1: What can argumentation do for ML?
Panel 2: What can ML do for argumentation?
09:00-09:15 | Welcome | |
09:15-10:15 | Paper Session 1 | Nicoletta Prentzas, Athena Gavrielidou, Marios Neofytou and Antonis Kakas: Argumentation-based Explainable Machine Learning (ArgEML): a real-life use case on Gynecological Cancer Jowan van Lente, Annemarie Borg and Floris Bex: Everyday Argumentative Explanations for Classification |
10:15-10:45 | Break | |
10:45-11:45 | Paper Session 2 | Luke Thorburn and Ariel Kruger: Optimizing Language Models for Argumentative Reasoning Vasileios Theodoros Markos, Marios Thoma and Loizos Michael: Machine Coaching with Proxy Coaches |
11:45-12:45 | Panel Session 1 | Steven Schockaert, Isabel Sassoon and Henry Prakken: What can argumentation do for ML? |
12:45-14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00-15:00 | Paper Session 3 | Hamed Ayoobi, Ming Cao, Rineke Verbrugge and Bart Verheij: Online Incremental Learning with Abstract Argumentation Frameworks Jonas Klein, Isabelle Kuhlmann and Matthias Thimm: Graph Neural Networks for Algorithm Selection in Abstract Argumentation |
15:00-15:30 | Paper Session 4 (Part 1) | Nico Potyka, Mohamad Bazo, Jonathan Spieler and Steffen Staab: Learning Gradual Argumentation Frameworks using Meta-heuristics |
15:30-16:00 | Break | |
16:00-16:30 | Paper Session 4 (Part 2) | Maurizio Proietti and Francesca Toni: Learning Assumption-based Argumentation Frameworks |
16:30-17:30 | Panel Session 2 | Artur Garcez, Bart Verheij and Floris Bex: What can ML do for argumentation? |
17:30 | Close + Refreshments |